The SP1512 Pipe Profiling Sonar

The Model 1512 Pipe Profiling Sonar provides an acoustic method for profiling the interiors of liquid filled pipes or boreholes. This method does not require draining of the pipes as with camera surveys and provides accurate quantified data which can not be obtained from a camera display alone.

The equipment comprises of an underwater Scanning Unit (which may be skid, float, tractor or ROV mounted) and a compact USB interface Unit. To complete the system a "Windows" P.C. with a USB port is required to run the 1512 system software.

The Scanning Unit is a rugged stainless steel cylinder with a pressure balanced transducer housing at one end, and the umbilical cable connecter at the other. The standard Scanning Unit is rated at 1000m operational depth. Two lead-acid batteries could be used to power the Scaning Unit together with a notebook P.C. for a completely portable solution. Internal Pitch and Roll sensors display in analogue and digital form the orientation of the sonar in the pipe.

The USB Interface Unit connects to either a USB1.1 or USB2.0 port on a host P.C. running under the "Windows" operating system. (Win'98 upwards is supported). The USB Interface has inputs for a cable payout encoder so that the distance travelled may be displayed to 0.1m resolution allowing accurate determination of where flaws exist in the pipe relative to the deployment position. The USB Interface is self- powered from the laptop PC.


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